Clinical Undergraduate Placements – Wolverhampton School of Pharmacy

Posted on behalf of Catherine Dewsbury, Wolverhampton School of Pharmacy

Dear Colleagues
Clinical Placements 2024
We hope you will consider hosting our Master of Pharmacy students on their clinical placements in 2024. Your role as placement mentor is a vital part of their professional development.
We are looking for new, and returning, pharmacies to host our Master of Pharmacy (MPharm) students on clinical placements during January to June 2024.
All students need to undertake placements in pharmacy and other settings in each of their four years of study in their MPharm programme. The role that community pharmacy teams play in hosting students in placements is a key part of students’ education.
Clinical placements enable students to put their learning into practice and to see how pharmacists and other colleagues work with patients and others to deliver high quality healthcare for patients and the public.
Health Education England will be funding student placements and there is a national payment scheme for placement hosts.
Thank you for considering hosting our students. If you want to have student with you on clinical placements or have any questions about placements, please contact the placement team on